Swap Burning Out With a Fire from Within

Say Hello to:
Nev Wilshire
Neville Wilshire is the founder and CEO of multiple successful Swansea based businesses, with an award winning customer focused business vision always aiming to help as many as possible with the goal of saving money on their weekly & monthly bills.
Recognised as an important employer in South West Wales, Nev, as he is known to everyone, has always enjoyed a reputation amongst his staff as a football kicking, karaoke loving, catch phrase saying, man of the people. With a style of management all his own, Nev’s unique character has been famously captured on the award winning BBC3 documentary ‘The Call Centre’.
Nev has employed people not just from the Swansea area but also from all over the world & meeting new talented individuals has always given Nev a great deal of satisfaction. It is in this way as the future landscape of employment changes and business development moves forward past 2020, he hopes to become a catalyst in the on-going development of Swansea and the wider area. Seeing progress like the ‘future’ Swansea £1bn Project transforming his home town, SA1 and Marina developments; he feels a real pride in the city he still calls home.
How May I Help You?
Vision, Valley, Values

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18
Although this meaning has much greater depth than most can engage with it is still never the less a fact that Worldwide, only 13% of employees working for any organisation are engaged, which means 87% are not involved in, enthusiastic about or committed to their work. Distraction is the enemy of direction....Can an egg fly? No !
But it has the capacity to fly. Nurture your staff and YOU will end up flying.

In any business , employment, marriage or life situation Its inevitable that some form of failure will raise its ugly head. The pain is palpable. How you deal with this depends on your attitude. Don't go through life, Grow through life. To quote John Wayne "Its not how fast you can run or how high you can climb but how well you can bounce that matters. "
When you go through the valley hold fast to your vision and your values.

In all things "The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart". During the 1980's & 90's while we traded in Sweden it was suggested that British businessman were only interested in having 5 acres & horses, with no "love" for their business. The Swedish on the other hand wanted the very best in their business aiming for continuous excellence (Volvo, SAAB, etc) Therefore don't be in business only for the money. Integrity has no need of rules. Deliver on your promises - but promise responsibly. Einstein said "Relativity applies to physics not ethics".
Work With Our Team
It is one of the greatest pleasures in life to work with great talented people of all ages. Building relationships of trust and respect by leading the team means pushing hard to establish standards that will work as a group and as individuals.
We believe it is a combination of these goals that can by itself leverage the team as it integrates with God given talents to face any circumstance or challenge as businesses change, grow and move into success.