About Nev

Nev is the founder of several successful companies committed to helping both businesses and individuals succeed in any environment.
He has helped thousands of sales people worldwide improve their sales skills via his personal coaching, products, books, writings, video and online sales training material. Along the way several national awards have been won including Sunday Times 100 Best Places to Work.
Nev speaks frequently at seminars on selling, and marketing and gives interviews on radio, TV and webcast forums. His last book “Happy People sell” was featured in numerous books, videos, and articles articulating his unique, helpful and funny conversation starters that help every type of business and sales person thrive.
The Passion
It began the day Nev worked for another “Boss” in his teens. He knew then that the”life” of working for someone else was not for him. Craving for new experience and thirsty for personal growth he was stunned to meet so many that had no intention on helping or training him to reach the goals he knew existed within until he met a businessman that trained his staff properly (Even the secretaries were sent on courses). Decisions were formed in those early years to “go it alone” in the world of business by helping others also succeed within their God given skill sets. Helping others is his passion and the Inspiration of each new day as we all build a better future for ourselves, family and nation.
Our Future Together
Personal Note from Nev. Updated July 2020
As we entered a new year of hope in 2020 Even with the wildest of imagination, nobody could have foreseen the devastating effects worldwide by the impact of Covid 19. It is my belief that with crystal clear focus we can rise up through this fog of unknowing and prosper with clear vision as we all work together to help one another benefit from the needed high level planning and refocus of a post covid business environment.
There will be many breakthroughs in new technology, higher levels of efficiency and a sharper focus on the unnecessary baggage of the older business model of Office & worker environment. There will be movers & shakers born out of this shaking, I am here to help see this through with new innovation & creative ideas.